Monday, 29 March 2010

Tips on Using Good Reliable Liquid Vitamin Supplements

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Are all the claims that liquid vitamin supplements really true as they are being claimed.

Too be honest, how much hype and craze has be given for this popular form of vitamin health food.

Let us share the methodology of liquid vitamin supplements and hopefully you will be able to decide if they are right for you, or if you can trust your old, traditional multi-vitamin food, and that's fine with us.

What are the advantages of using liquid form of vitamin?

The first advantage of taking liquid vitamin supplements is the ease of consuming it. More people are having an issue of swallowing tablets, capsules and even vitamins pills, which in this case the liquid form is a good alternative.

Also there are even flavored versions starting to come out so that the liquid form are actually pleasant to take.

One more advantage of the such form is that they are absorbed easier from the body than the pills. The reason for this is that the vitamins do not need to be broken down to be absorbed. They are taken up directly through the digestive process.

However, please take note that when using good reliable liquid vitamin supplements, one major drawback is that up to 90% of the it may be destroyed in the stomach. Whereas, when taking this type of pills you will not have this problem as they already have a protective coating that lets them enter the intestines where they are being absorbed properly.

Thus, consuming good reliable liquid vitamin supplements may end up wasting this health supplement or even your daily vitamin intake allows it.

What are the various forms of liquid vitamin health supplements?

Consuming effervescent tablets

This type of supplement appear to be in the form of tablets. But in order to drink them you need to put the vitamins in a cup of water. Usually, these vitamins have different flavors can actually be a pleasure to drink. Still there are many contradictory opinions about whether they are effective or not due to the initial issues raised above.

In the health supplements market, some products actually work perfectly fine like this (think energy drinks and caffeine related drinks) as they work through a different body function. But for normal macro nutrients and vitamins, the stomach will destroy most of it.

Personally speaking, it is best to continue to take good and reliable liquid form health supplements as an alternative to replace the pill form of vitamin supplements. Having said that, many people that may include you, do not really fancy taking this new alternative, which may suspect whether such supplements will actually work or not.

Besides knowing what are tips of consuming good reliable liquid vitamin supplements, this should give you another choice of health supplements thus should enable your health to get a good booster. Before you are going to consume any type of liquid vitamin health food, you need to first consult your physician.

However, many people sometimes tend to forget that even though there may be many types of good reliable liquid vitamin health food around, but having the right knowledge to use the right type of vitamin supplements to the max for various kinds of chronic of illnesses is crucial. Therefore, without a proper understanding of using various kinds of health supplements to treat various anxiety and anger management system, there will not be much panic attack free lifestyle to hope for.

Apply this effective tips together with an thorough understanding of vitamin supplements is important so that you enjoy your life once again.

By Eddy K Elgin

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Thursday, 25 March 2010

Taking A Vitamin Supplement

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There are a number of essential vitamins that the body needs to function properly and it is possible to take these in the form of a vitamin supplement. The majority of people do not have a balanced diet and they may be lacking in certain vitamins which means that they require a vitamin supplement to ensure that they do not have a deficiency of an essential vitamin.

A health professional or dietary technician is the best person to give advice on any vitamin supplement that a person should take. It is important to seek professional advice before taking any vitamin supplement. This is because there are some vitamins that can be toxic if too much is consumed and a vitamin supplement may not be appropriate if there is enough of the vitamin already in the food a person eats.

Some categories of people may require more types of vitamin supplement than others. Vegetarians are often deficient in certain vitamins that are only found in animal products, for example, and a vitamin supplement is the ideal solution to this problem. Vegetarians do need to be aware that some vitamin supplement manufacturing processes involve animal products and it is important for them to read the labels. A large number of synthetic vitamin supplement products are available which will enable a vegetarian to take them without contravening their dietary beliefs or needs.

Children will often need a vitamin supplement, especially when they are extremely young. This is because a lot of children do not eat a sufficient variety of foods in their early years and a vitamin supplement can help compensate for this natural deficiency. Breast feeding has long been recommended as a source of all the essential nutrients but women who choose not to or are unable to bottle feed may be concerned as to whether their baby needs a vitamin supplement.

The large majority of baby milk formulas contain additional vitamins to prevent the need for a vitamin supplement to be given. It is important to discuss any concerns over the need for a baby or child to take a vitamin supplement with a health professional to ensure that the correct solution is found.

Elderly people or those suffering from certain diseases or illnesses are other groups of people that may need to take a vitamin supplement. The body may often need a vitamin supplement to compensate for a person not being able to consume the recommended daily allowance of certain vitamins through their normal diet.

By Uchenna Ani-Okoye

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Monday, 22 March 2010

How to Find the Perfect Vitamin Supplement For Your Unique Body

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Consumers are being bombarded with advertising, medical studies and word-of-mouth wisdom about vitamins and mineral supplements. Almost every week a new scientific study proclaims the virtues of vitamin this or that.

RDAs are "Grossly Oversimplified" For Vitamins and Supplements

RDA's (Recommended Daily Allowance) are also used to set standards in many programs. But many nutritional scientists consider them to be out of sync with the needs of many Americans. The RDA takes the stand of the mythical "average" that was created from a lot of scientific and mathematical "averages" computed from a group of people somewhere on the planet. Averages have become grossly oversimplified, where fixed but arbitrary set points have been established for a variety of factors.,
So, many consumers today take vitamins and minerals in amounts that far exceed the recommended doses to prevent chronic illnesses, like heart disease, and they rarely have reliable sources for direction.

Can You Really Get The Nutrition You Need Without Taking A Vitamin or Supplement?

The fact is food alone cannot supply some nutrients in amounts sufficient to prevent disease. For example, vitamin E at levels considerably higher than the current RDA has been linked by a number of researchers with the prevention of heart disease and improved immune function.

Calcium-fortified orange juice, Vitamin-enhanced waters, Fortified cereals and energy bars. Everywhere you turn, new products are showing up on supermarket shelves touting added vitamins and minerals.

If you already take a multi-vitamin and mineral tablet, add a calcium or vitamin E supplement on top of that, and eat a few fortified food products along with a fairly healthy diet, you are now out of balance with too many vitamins and minerals.

Is More Really Better When It Comes To Taking Vitamins and Supplements?

Americans tend to think that more is better, or that if it's natural, it can't harm you, and that is particularly true when it comes to vitamins and minerals. But that's not always the case. Some people habitually overdo it with vitamins and minerals and suffer the consequences.

Serious Consequences For Over Doing Vitamins and Supplements

Here are a few examples. Most people think if they take too many water soluble vitamins (like B vitamins and vitamin C) they will just get washed out in the urine, this is true, but it can put extra stress on the kidneys and liver. A more serious problem with water soluble vitamin B6, is that, over time, it can cause nerve damage if taken in excessive amounts.

Vitamin C is another that people tend to take in large quantities, mainly in the form of supplements, and often in an attempt to stave off colds and illness. But at 2,000 milligrams or greater, it can cause digestive upset, and people don't typically associate stomach upset with the fact that they are taking vitamin C. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption and research has shown excess amounts may increase the risk of liver cancer and heart disease in people with iron overload.

Here Comes The Vitamin Deficiency

By continuing to follow established dietary patterns, an individual or an entire family soon develops long term deficiencies and excesses. Most people repeat basically the same diet over months and years, often extending to generations.

The balanced diet one size fits all is a myth. There is only biochemical individual balanced diets. So we are back to genetics. Our genes determine the chromosomes, and the latter are responsible for the presence and efficiency of the body's enzyme systems. If the enzymes do not function, one will develop a diagnosable disease, usually one that is lurking in the family background. If we could discover the weak enzyme then we could be more specific in the application of the appropriate vitamin or mineral to make that enzyme function more efficiently.

An Easy CURE to the Vitamin and Supplement Debate: It's Based On Person's Smell & Taste

The olfactory or smelling sense helps to indicate deficiencies or excesses. John L. Kitkoski spent considerable time and effort to find the key to a spectrum for dietary supplementation selection system and a methodology following human olfactory (smell). When you open a bottle of smell sensitive dietary supplement, what you smell is what is on the label. What you smell is what you get. Many people like the smell of a particular vitamin or mineral and yet they have no symptoms suggesting a deficiency. It suggests, however, that some problem is on its way.

As biochemical individuals there is no "one symptom means one deficiency" method. Illness is not a particular vitamin or mineral deficiency but a complex relationship between ratios.

The Perfect Vitamin and Supplement Program On Earth!

Life Balances is the only self directed health program in America today. The program was built around the biochemical individual.

Many people are concerned about the source of their vitamins. There are really a few things that the best vitamin supplement has. The first is that the vitamin supplement is volatile, which means its made so that it is broken down correctly in the body. The second is that the vitamin supplement is smell sensitive. Unfortunately, no other vitamin supplement on the market is smell sensitive.

By PL Fields

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Friday, 19 March 2010

How Vitamin Supplements Can Help You

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Vitamin deficiency is almost unavoidable in our busy lifestyle. But in order to avoid or tolerate illness, health problems, signs of old age, and weakness, the need for vitamin supplements becomes necessary. You need all the vitamins in the appropriate amount for maintaining an optimum health. Since our busy day diets cannot provide all of them, vitamin supplements are there to fill in those gaps.

Some people need vitamin supplements to meet their nutritional needs. There are many benefits that vitamin supplements can provide you. First of all, the vitamin supplements can help you overcome the vitamin deficiencies. Your body becomes resistant to diseases only if your immune system is strong. Vitamin supplements help to boost and strengthen your immune system. Vitamin supplements are also useful in getting rid of the toxins from your body.

The vitamin supplements help you to have the optimum health and minimize the risk of diseases. Many researchers believe these Vitamin supplements can slow the effects of terminal illness such as cancer. A particular vitamin supplement is needed to get relieved from the disease caused by the deficiency of that vitamin.

Vitamin A supplement helps you to have healthy skin and hair, and also helps for good vision, growth, and development. It also helps prevent dry, flaky skin and reduces lines and wrinkles keeping skin looking youthful. This vitamin aids in the growth of white blood cells, destroying bacteria and viruses.

Vitamin C supplement keeps your gum and teeth healthy, and helps your body absorb iron. It also helps in faster healing of wounds. It also helps in boosting the immune system and preventing the onset of illnesses and viruses.

Vitamin D supplement works in conjunction with calcium and helps in building strong bones.

Vitamin E supplement can help reduce the symptoms of menopause. It can help reduce the effects of osteoporosis, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. The heart depends on Vitamin E to prevent arteries from being clogged. The vitamin also keeps the blood thin resulting in easier flow through the arteries.

Vitamin K supplement helps to clot blood, build protein, and regulate blood calcium levels. It can also help the intestines to function properly. Supplements of Vitamin K are recommended during pregnancy to alleviate fatigue.

The supplement of vitamin B1 also called Thiamin keeps the nervous system healthy and is needed for energy metabolism. It also increases energy levels and speed up metabolism. It is necessary for cells, the heart, central nerve system and the brain to function properly.

The supplement of vitamin B2 also called Riboflavin gives the body energy and helps normal growth of body tissues, Vitamin B3 or Niacin supplement helps in breaking down food to give you energy.

Vitamin B6 supplement helps the brain to function properly. It also helps in grow and development. Folic acid supplement prevents birth defects when taken before and during pregnancy.

Vitamin B12 supplement promotes normal growth and development and help make red blood cells. Pantothenic Acid and Biotin supplement are needed for energy metabolism.

It is better to get the vitamins that you need by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meats. Vitamin pills cannot replace eating healthy foods. Although vitamin supplements are a must in these days, it is also important that you must take them only under the advice of a doctor because over dosage of some vitamins are also not recommended.

By Oz Zeldom

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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Hello World!!!

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Welcome to Vitamins Supplements blog... :)

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